

讓我們找出2010年,發表於權威期刊Archives of General Psychiatry《一般精神病學彙刊》的大規模統計的研究,該研究追蹤長達9年,分析對象多達287,543位年逾18歲的用藥者,分析發現,有846位出現自發行為(751位嘗試自殺,104位自殺成功),大部分的患者發生在開始用藥的前六個月。分析發現市面上經常被開立的選擇性血清素回收抑制劑,例如百憂解(學名為fluoxetine),克憂果(學名paroxetine ),樂復得(學名sertraline),舒憂膜(或者是安保喜樂膜衣錠,學名為citalopram)以及無鬱寧( 學名為fluvoxamine)等等,或者是選擇性血清素正腎上腺素回收抑制劑(例如千憂解、速悅這類藥物)甚至是傳統的三環抗憂鬱劑,其自殺風險都相當,並無差異。


 Compared with selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors as a drug class, other classes including serotonin-norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors, tricyclic agents, and other newer and atypical agents had a similar risk.

Conclusions  Our finding of equal event rates across antidepressant agents supports the US Food and Drug Administration's decision to treat all antidepressants alike in their advisory. Treatment decisions should be based on efficacy, and clinicians should be vigilant in monitoring after initiating therapy with any antidepressant agent.



Sebastian Schneeweiss; Amanda R. Patrick; Daniel H. Solomon; Jyotsna Mehta; Colin Dormuth; Matthew Miller; Jennifer C. Lee; Philip S. Wang. Variation in the Risk of Suicide Attempts and Completed Suicides by Antidepressant Agent in Adults: A Propensity Score-Adjusted Analysis of 9 Years' Data. Archives of General Psychiatry, 2010; 67 (5): 497-506 [link]


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