許多的研究告訴我們,懷孕期間飲酒對胎兒的智力以及學習,有難以忽視的重大傷害,但實際的機制一直未獲相關研究來闡釋清楚。根據最新研究發表,酒精對胎兒影響的關鍵在於直接衝擊 cyclin-dependent kinase 5 的功能,導致相關神經發展功能不佳:

shuang Li, Yan Zhang, Feng Zhu, Bin Zhang, Jianying Lin, Chunyang Xu, Wancai Yang, Wei Hao, Ruiling Zhang. A new treatment for cognitive disorders related to in utero exposure to alcohol. Neural Regeneration Research, Vol. 8, No. 18, 2013 DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1673-5374.2013.18.008

cyclin-dependent kinase 5是影響腦部發展的酵素(酶),直接由基因 CDK5來調控:

 Demetrick DJ, Zhang H, Beach DH (February 1994). "Chromosomal mapping of human CDK2, CDK4, and CDK5 cell cycle kinase genes". Cytogenet Cell Genet 66 (1): 72–4. doi:10.1159/000133669. PMID 8275715.

cyclin-dependent kinase 5本身對細胞間隙的活性關係至大,直接影響神經傳導功能。這幾年的研究發現,腦部退化疾病與這種酵素功能不佳有關:

Dhavan R, Tsai LH (2001). "A decade of CDK5". Nat. Rev. Mol. Cell Biol. 2 (10): 749–59. doi:10.1038/35096019. PMID 11584302.


Qu J; Nakamura, T.; Cao, G.; Holland, E. A.; McKercher, S. R.; Lipton, S. A. (2011). "S-Nitrosylation activates Cdk5 and contributes to synaptic spine loss induced by β-amyloid peptide". PNAS 108 (34): 14330–5. doi:10.1073/pnas.1105172108. PMC 3161554. PMID 21844361.



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