

April: The FDA warned that the use of antipsychotic drugs in elderly patients with dementia could place them at increased risk of death.  It required manufacturers to add a “boxed warning” to this effect on drug packaging.


August: The Australian TGA reported that SSRI antidepressants could cause “new onset of suicidality” in adults and also agitation, nervousness and anxiety. Similar symptoms could occur during withdrawal.







August: The European Medicines Agency’s Committee for Medicinal Products issued its strongest warning against pediatric use of antidepressants, stating they could cause suicide attempts and thoughts, aggression, hostility and oppositional behavior and anger.




September:  The Australian TGA warned that antidepressant use during pregnancy could cause “withdrawal effects” in infants “that can be severe or life-threatening.” The FDA issued a warning the drugs when taken during pregnancy could increase the risk of major birth defects, including heart malformations in newborns.  Health Canada followed with a similar warning in December.



September:  The Agenzia Italiana del Farmaco (Italian drug regulatory agency) ordered a warning label for older type antidepressants that they also should not be prescribed for under 18 year olds and that the drugs were associated with heart attacks in people of any age.



October: The FDA withdrew the stimulant Cylert from the market because of its “overall risk of liver toxicity” and liver failure.





October: The FDA ordered an additional warning to the packaging of the antidepressant Cymbalta that it could cause liver damage.


十月: 美國食品藥物管理局要求一個附加性的警語在抗憂鬱劑千憂解(Cymbalta)的包裝上,它可能導致肝損害。



November:  The FDA approved updated labeling for the antidepressant Effexor ER (extended release), to note it could cause homicidal ideation.


十一月:美國食品藥物管理局核准了一個對抗憂鬱劑速悅持續性藥效膠囊(Effexor ER)最新標籤,註記它可能導致殺人的想法。


December:  Health Canada warned that pregnant women taking Paxil placed their newborn at risk of birth defects.




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